Fitness Industry Blog

Woman exercising using a TRX suspension trainer
In the world of TRX training, we believe in dispelling myths to empower women on their fitness journeys. By understanding the truths behind common misconceptions, you can approach your workouts with confidence and purpose. Remember, it's not about conforming to unrealistic ideals; it's about embracing your strength, resilience, and the incredible potential within you.
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The TRX Quick Start Guide!

TRX suspension training engages multiple muscles at once, helping to improve core stability and balance. It's adaptable for all fitness levels, thanks to adjustable straps that modify the difficulty.

If you are struggling with what exercises to do, this guide has you covered and all you will need is three simple tools: TRX Suspension Trainer, YBell/ hand weights, and Bandit.

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Exercise = Happiness
Today is one of the best days of the year - International Day of Happiness. Did you know that even just 10 minutes of exercise a day is helpful for a quick boost in your physical and mental health?
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In recent years, TRX has surged in popularity, promising a full-body workout with just a few straps and your body weight. However, with popularity comes myths and misconceptions. In this blog, we'll delve into what TRX suspension training is all about and debunk some of the common myths surrounding it.
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